Walking tips-Walking Fit Club

Walking Fit Club

Walking tips

Walking Fit Club 

When you join the Walking Fit Club, you will receive a monthly list of starting venues by email and a weekly email which will give you a description of the walks for that week and information on parking and food at the restaurant or pub.  
I ask that you fill in a screening form before you start your first walk so that I know if you have any medical problems or any injuries.  It is always a good idea to bring a mobile with you on the walks, a shower proof jacket and sensible shoes eg. trainers or walking boots.

Some bring a bottle of water with them on the walks.

If you have any questions about the walking fit club click on 

   Zoom Aero-tone-ilates, Step & Pilates  
If you want to do some further exercise you can come along to the 
zoom Aero-tone-ilates classes or
Pilates classes
I can deliver a weights and bands to you for the classes

 is aerobics, toning and Pilates in a 50 minute exercise class. 
I run 5 classes a week and  there is 
no joining fee.
The toning consists of body conditioning exercises using bands, balls and weights.
Each class costs £7.

Chair aerobics on zoom 9am - 9.30am
Live at Batheaston New Village Hall 6pm - 7pm
Live at St Luke's Church Hall, Wellsway 10.05 - 11.05am
10am - 10.30am on zoom
9am - 9.30 on zoom


 is an hour of mind and body conditioning 
which strengthens the core,  tones the body ,increases muscle flexibity 
and  improves balance and co-ordination. 
We use bands, hedgehogs and balls to make it more fun!! Each class is £8


9.30am - 10.30am on zoom
9am - 10am live at St Luke's Church hall and zoom
9am - 10am on zoom
9.30am - 10.10am on zoom

If you want more information about the exercise classes 
email me on      jane_braham@hotmail.com

for zoom meeting numbers and password